
Writing Formally Requires That One

Langston Hughes in one case said, "The prerequisite for writing is having something to say." But you are probably enlightened that there are many dissimilar styles of writing — and it pays to know which to utilise situationally. When information technology comes to formal vs informal writing styles, there is a time and place for each. By understanding their nuances and respective best practices, you lot tin can continue to improve your writing.

We will break all of this downward and more, with examples. This can serve every bit a useful guide on formal vs breezy writing for you throughout your educational journey (and across).

Defining Formal vs Breezy Writing Styles


Formal writing is written for an audition you exercise not know on a personal level. It is ofttimes the primary fashion in academic writing (unless otherwise noted) and is more complex than breezy writing. Formal writing is serious.


Informal writing consists of brusque sentences and is used in more personal settings, such as writing a letter to a friend or writing a diary entry. It is much more relaxed than formal writing.

UoPeople woman writing an informal letterPhoto by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Which Fashion is Appropriate?

Knowing the departure between formal and breezy writing is only half the battle. The other important aspect is knowing which to employ. Hither are some examples of when you would use formal vs breezy writing.

Use Formal Writing When:

  • Writing professionally (reaching out to a customer or prospect)
  • Academic writings (essays, research papers, etc.)
  • Job applications (resume writing, CVs, and cover letters)
  • Reaching out to someone you lot exercise non know

Use Informal Writing When:

  • Writing to a friend
  • Sharing a story or writing a personal blog
  • Writing creatively
  • Instructed to do then (if in school)
  • Writing dialogue and conversations
  • Writing an outline

If you are unsure of whether to apply breezy or formal writing, it'due south mostly the rule of thumb to start out writing formally. And so, when you make the connexion and y'all run across how the other side responds, y'all can ease upwardly on the formality.

Key Features of Formal vs. Breezy Writing

While the above gives a elementary overview of the differences and uses of each style, allow'due south take a deeper await into what each style entails. That style, information technology should become more obvious how to recognize and structure each.

Formal writing tends to include the following:

  • Long and complex sentences: Sentences tend to exist chemical compound and contain commas to link 2 ideas or utilise transitions like "Furthermore" and "To exemplify,"
  • Does not use contractions: Would use "cannot" instead of "tin can't"
  • Objective: Does not offer personal opinions
  • Doesn't utilise colloquial language: Y'all won't see any slang or common everyday vocabulary
  • Diverse vocabulary words: Vocabulary is of a higher level
  • Use of words that are subject area-specific: For example, if you lot are writing almost biology, you'd use words like "epithelial cells" instead of "peel cells"
  • Use of third person: Does not employ showtime person pronouns like "I" or "me"

Informal writing includes the following:

  • Can utilize first person, second or 3rd: You can use whatever type of pronouns, including "I"
  • Can use slang: The apply of everyday language and slang terms tin be used, such as "It was cool that…"
  • Active voice: Sentences tend to exist written with a subject acting on the verb, such as "Nosotros chilled the drinks and went out to the sea" instead of "The drinks were chilled…"
  • Personal emotional tone can be detected: Since the writing is personal, it can include feelings and the sharing of emotions
  • Wrinkle and abbreviation: It'south okay to use "tin can't" instead of "cannot" or "it's" instead of "information technology is"
  • Empathy: You can put yourself in the shoes of your audience and address their problems directly. This shows the author as coming from a place of understanding their situation.

Formal vs Breezy Writing Comparison Guide

Formal vs Informal Writing Comparison Infographic by UoPeople

Boosted Considerations

There are a few more than things to take into business relationship when starting out on whatever writing endeavor. These include the following iii questions:

  1. "Who is my audience?" – This is the starting time question you should ask when writing anything. Y'all want to write to your audition, and so you have to define them.
  2. "How formal is the project I'k working on?" – This goes hand-in-hand with the audience and the project goals. However, knowing the level of formality will assistance you write appropriately.
  3. "What medium should I apply?" – For both informal and formal writing, you can produce the piece digitally or past manus. If it is for academic purposes and on the chore, you'll want to type your work. Only, if you choose to write a formal letter of the alphabet by hand (such equally a thank-you lot letter after a chore interview), then it is brash to write on thicker card stock newspaper to expect more than professional. Recollect, presentation is everything when it comes to formal work!

Here's an Instance!

Along with this list of references, hither is a (meta) example on how this article would be written both formally and informally:

  • Formal: When writing academically or professionally, it is important to show respect to your audition by electing to write in a formal style, rather than informally. This means that sentences are longer than usual and tend to experience circuitous. Writing circuitous sentences with hyperfluent vocabulary shows your audience that you are well-informed on the subject matter. Furthermore, this writing style depicts unbiased information eluding emotions and showtime-person pronouns from the content.
  • Informal: Formal writing feels harder than informal writing. I think information technology's considering I can't apply contractions or brusque sentences. The only reason I'd write informally is if I had to, like if it was professional or bookish. But when I write similar this nigh formal writing, it's easier. My vocabulary doesn't thing equally much. As y'all can see, I withal care virtually grammar. Writing similar this feels like I am talking to a friend.
UoPeopel student typing an academic and formal paper on a laptopPhoto by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Tying It All Together

There are many differences between formal vs. informal writing. That being said, they both serve their respective purposes. That's why it's important to sympathize both styles, also as when to use them.

When writing professionally or academically, opt for formal writing. Remember to exit out contractions and remain unbiased.

On the other hand, informal writing comes from inside. It's aimed towards a personal audience, so you tin write as if you are speaking to them. That way, you can utilize contractions, shorter sentences, colloquialism, and the like.

Regardless of why you are writing, e'er be sure to reread your piece of work to check for typos and mistakes. The most of import matter for writing is having something to say, but information technology's as well making sure that what you say can be understood!

Writing Formally Requires That One,


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